

Newsletter no. 9 – Cypriot pilot activities

The piloting activities in Cyprus, “Experience the life of Ancient Cypriots” took place in May and June 2023, and were envisioned as a revival of everyday life of ancient Cypriots. Through innovative tools such as augmented reality, but also those more ‘usual’ such as culinary activities, both based on historical and archaeological references regarding daily life of the ancient Cypriots, heritage managers and Millennials involved in implementation aimed to connect ancient history to present (and to our project!).
Check out the detailed description here!

Newsletter No.8. – Pilot in Serbia

The Serbian pilot workshops took place in June 2023, across several regions and sites managed by archaeological parks, museums, institutes for the protection of cultural heritage, galleries, and tourist organizations. Eight institutions, 30 youngsters and 14 heritage managers were included in pilots implementation.
To see more information about the pilot and our partners from Serbia, please download the full newsletter.